32785 Save all configuraton options to profile Default.prf
37666 Nothing to scan.\nYou should select Files and/or Sectors in page Objects.
37667 Nothing to scan.\nYou should select at least one item in page Location.
37668 Object
37669 Result
37670 File
37671 Sector
37672 Memory
37673 Scan process spawned.
37674 Scan process completed.
37675 Scan process incompleted.
37676 Cancel scan process?
37677 %s Entry #%d
37678 Loading %s %d%%
37679 interface fault.
37680 kernel fault.
37681 corrupted.
37682 I/O error.
37683 disinfection failed: %s
37684 encrypted.
37685 ok.
37686 disinfected: %s
37687 deleted: %s
37688 infected: %s
37689 packed: %s
37690 archive: %s
37691 warning: %s
37692 suspicion: %s
37693 %s: unknown format.
37694 Can't open file: %s
37695 Wrong set file: %s
37696 Old or corrupted antiviral base: %s
37697 Base kernel proc absent: %s
37698 Object code not linked.
37699 *** Limit size of the report file: cut\n
37700 Boot sector of drive
37701 Master Boot Record of HDD%d
37702 AVP32 Scan %x %X\n
37703 Insert next CDROM disk...
37704 Insert next floppy disk...
37705 Antiviral databases were loaded. Viruses: %d
37706 Loading of bases was not completed.
37707 Load profile
37708 Save profile
37709 Profile for AVP32 (*.prf)|*.prf||
37710 &Location
37711 O&bjects
37712 &Actions
37713 &Options
37714 S&tatistics
37715 floppy drive
37716 CDROM drive
37717 Add folder to the scan list
37718 Scan No&w
37719 Sto&p
37720 About AVP
37721 &Support
37722 Action
37723 Infected Object
37724 Infected by virus:
37725 &Report only
37726 &Disinfect
37727 De&lete
37728 &Copy to Infected folder
37729 &Apply to all infected objects
37730 &Local Hard Drives
37731 &Network Drives
37732 Flopp&y Drives
37733 A&dd Folder
37734 M&emory
37735 Se&ctors
37736 F&iles
37737 Pac&ked files
37738 A&rchives
37739 File &mask
37740 Smart
37741 Programs
37742 All files
37743 User defined
37744 War&nings
37745 &Code Analyser
37746 &Redundant scan
37747 Sh&ow clean object in the log
37748 S&how pack info in the log
37749 So&und effects
37750 Track&ing
37751 R&eport file
37752 Appen&d
37753 Limit si&ze of report file, Kb:
37754 Scanned
37755 Found
37756 Sector Objects :
37757 Files :
37758 Folders :
37759 Archives :
37760 Packed :
37761 Scan time :
37762 Known viruses :
37763 Virus bodies :
37764 Disinfected :
37765 Warnings :
37766 Suspicious :
37767 Corrupted :
37768 I/O Errors :
37769 Infected objects
37770 Suspicious objects
37771 &Report Only
37772 &Display Disinfect dialog
37773 Disinf&ect automatically
37774 Delete object automatically
37775 Copy to &Infected folder
37776 &Copy to Suspicious folder
37777 Name
37778 Organization
37779 Registration number
37780 Registration info:
37781 Support
37782 Your AVP license will be expiried\nat %m/%d/%Y
37783 Your AVP license was expiried\nat %m/%d/%Y
37784 The set of AVP antiviral bases is out of date.\nPlease take updates.
37785 Are you shure you want to DELETE ALL infected objects?
37786 You need to restart AVP32.EXE.
37787 Disinfection of %s \ninfected by virus %s is impossible.\n\nDelete this object permanently?
37788 Delete all nondisinfectable objects?
37789 Do not delete all nondisinfectable objects?
37790 Disinfection of sectors is dangerous procedure.\nWe recommend to make backup of whole disk contents.\n\nTry to perform disinfection rigt now?
37791 Memory
37792 This copy of AVP does not have license to launch from remote drives.\nAVP will start in clipped mode.
37793 This copy of AVP does not have license to launch under Windows NT.\nAVP will start in clipped mode.
37794 This copy of AVP does not have license to launch under Windows 95.\nAVP will start in clipped mode.
37795 You launch the AVP under Windows NT« without Admin rights.\nAVP will not check the physical sectors.
37796 This copy of AVP does not have key file.\nAVP will start in clipped mode.
37797 AVP Scan (%d%%)
37798 Deleted :
37799 Scan speed (Kb/sec) :
37800 Redundant scan option slows down scan process \nseveral times, increases false alarm probability.\nFor details see User Guide. \n\nStart scan process?
37801 Last update: %s, %d viruses.
37802 &Find Next
37803 Find
37804 Cancel
37805 Match &case
37806 disk out of space.
37807 password protected.
37808 Plain Mail formats
37809 Mail databases
37810 http://www.avp.ru
37811 AVP successfully self-disinfected from virus: %s\n\nAVP will be restarted.
37812 AVP infected by virus: %s\n\nDISINFECTION FAILED!!!
37813 Some infected files on your computer locked by other processes.\nAVP can not open them for direct disinfection.\nAfter system rebooting these files will be overwrited with disinfected ones.\n\n\nReboot system now?
37814 locked for writing by other process.
37815 read access denied.
37816 Select path for scan with single &click.
37817 &Insert next disk prompt for removable drives
37818 &Attention message about redundant scan
37819 A&ttention message about delete all infected objects option
37820 &Switch to statistics tab after scan start
37821 S&witch to statistics tab after scan finish
37822 &Pop-up AVP window after scan finish
37823 C&ustomize
37824 Customize AVP
37825 &Other attention messages
37826 Attention: Security settings for zone '%s' are not safe
37827 Internet Explorer options
37828 Attention: Macro Virus Protection disabled
37829 MS Word 97 options
37830 MS Excel 97 options
37831 MS Word 2000 options
37832 MS Excel 2000 options
37833 MS PowerPoint 97 options
37834 MS PowerPoint 2000 options
37835 Authentication of module %s failed.
37836 The cause can be:\n- out of date module\n- corrupted download\n- virus infection or other kind of hack.\nWe recommend to reinstall this file. \n\nContinue execution?
37837 Antiviral Toolkit Pro
37838 Key number
37839 Info
37840 File
37841 Expiration
37842 &New updates check interval (days)
37843 E&xclude mask
37844 Licence name
37845 Your AVP license was expired.\n\nAVP Updates will not start.\n\nWARNING!\nAVP will not work with antiviral bases installed manually.
37900 Nothing to scan.\nYou should select Files and/or Sectors in *.prf file.
37901 Nothing to scan.\nYou should select at least one directory to scan.